It doesn't really matter if no one reads this, but in my head, I'm thinking "If it is in the public domain, I'm more likely to stick to it and be successful on my journey", despite the fact I have successfully lost weight before on more than one occasion, only to put it all back on and more.
The first time I lost a significant amount of weight, I actually fainted at the Kettering Town versus Lincoln City match in the FA Cup in 2008. I couldn't see anything. Someone handed me a bottle of water and I dropped it. All I'd had to eat that day was a Mars bar. I was taken to the hospital and missed both of the goals. We got there and were told the wait was going to be several hours, so we didn't stay. Thankfully, the paramedic that took us to the hospital also took us back to Rockingham Road to watch the rest of the match. I went to the Doctors a few days later and was told I'd lost far too much weight. I was down to about 8 stone, left the Doctors that day and lost another 7 pounds before putting all of what I had lost back on and a bit more. The way I had done it simply was sustainable. I had lost a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.
A couple of years ago, I managed to get myself in a pretty strong position mentally, and as a result, started to lose weight to the point where I was back down to between 12 and a half and 13 stone, though I can't remember the exact weight. For the first time in a long time, I was starting to feel happy about how I looked again. I could wear the jeans I'd bought and a lot of my really nice clothes for the first time in years. Things have happened over the last few years and a few weeks ago I was 15 stone 5. I have just weight myself and it would appear I have lost around half a stone in the last few weeks. I haven't necessarily been eating the right things and I certainly haven't been eating at the right times, but I have still managed to knock half a stone off my weight. I know just what I can achieve if I set my mind to it.
I had an alcoholic drink for the first time in a few weeks last night, so that has clearly played a part in my weight loss. When I drink, I eat rubbish, but not just on the day that I am drinking, I do this for the few days that follow because of how the alcohol has made me feel.
I love walking, but sometimes don't have the confidence to go out on my own and do just that, so over the next few weeks I need to find a way to overcome that.
I don't know how often I will update this, or even if I will bother publishing anything at all. It really does depend on how I am feeling mentally.